Monday, October 29, 2007

"i love you", he said.

i love you, he said.
what a generic phrase.
i want to believe you;
prove it to me.

you don't know what it's like
to be hurt:
to have your heart cluttered
with lies,
only to be chained back together
to please the same

what is love?
you didn't love him.
who are you fooling, girl?

my mind is constantly chattering.
i have no perception of
peace or pleasure.
go ahead,
destroy me.
i've already got you all

how can you prove love?
i am sure i feel it.
what is it like for him?
does he feel the same strain
every time we part?

i want nothing more than to spend
the rest of my life in
your arms.

i want to be able to write happy things.
this is happy.
i am happy.

hold me to your trembling heart.
never let me go;
this is it:
prove you love me.

i never want to hear your voice say,
"michelle, i don't know about us..."

i hope this is it.
i hope you're it.

"i love you" is lies;
i love you.

1 comment:

PrincessKitten said...

I likies.

But I would have kept it as he/his and not go to you/your talking to him.