Wednesday, December 5, 2007


my family isn't a family. and to put it in the simplest term,
i hate it.

my parents are an eruption of who-does-what-better and dreams-don't-exist. mommy is the woman who gave birth to me and daddy doesn't care about my
happiness, intimacy and love are merely meaningless, abstract words.
my sister walks the earth with no tangible form of communication. she's lost, but the definition had vanished before she could grasp it.

sometimes i wish i could start all over again.

i can't remember the last time daddy said i love you. yesterday i wasn't his daughter, i was a wretch of a girl who didn't check her tires for air.
how could i forget?
i must be stupid.
circumstance doesn't exist to the king of the household.

confidence is just a word.

1 comment:

_thrive said...

"confidence is just a word."(: