Monday, May 12, 2008

lethargic, much?

Momma warned me about the dreadful “Senioritis.”

My inner language is crashed. The thought train launched off track and collided with a bramble of pre-calculus and other like courses. On board Love and Optimism were sharing a second honeymoon, but I haven’t recently heard of their current conditions. Crazy and Focus escaped together, but luckily there is a $10,000 reward for their recovery. (At least the return of focus would be appreciated.) Some speculate the accident occurred due to reckless thinking or possible information overload. If you have any details on this disaster, or know anything about the people mentioned above, please contact me before Mindlessness begins to reign. (I hear he’s pretty vile.)

it's been a while

"read my book with the boring ending,
a short story of a lonely guy..." blink182.

Dear ex-boyfriend,

If I could give red to someone,
I would give it to the ex.
Not a candy apple
kind of red,
but a crimson
across the canvas of my
kind of red.
Because regretting is sometimes
easier than accepting
what you don’t want to
remember in the first place.